There's 'vivid' all around!


On this bright and sunny April morning, I have set myself a small and hopefully stimulating challenge - to look for 'Vivid' all around me!

I'm a typically positive person, hence my branding, but I wanted to think about what Vivid means to me.  Whether it's images, observations or experiences, my aim is to lift my eyes from my ipad/laptop/phone etc. and capture the Vivid around me.  

I was discussing this with my kids this morning as we walked to school.  They were feeling the post-Easter holiday excitement and fears of returning to school; joy at seeing friends, and doing more art this term, and nerves about who they'd be sat next too.  They tentatively agreed to their own challenge today, to see some good in the outcome of their biggest fear - where they were seated.  With a few grunts and groans, they agreed and negotiated that they may find only one 'good' vs. several annoyances but we'll see how we get on!

So to my challenge, here's my first 'Vivid' (a photo this time - take a look above).  

And here's to sharing - when you lift your eyes up, and soak in what's around you, what Vivid do you notice? I'd love to hear!